Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Week of February 19-22


I am sorry that I did not post much the last few weeks! Things got really busy in the classroom and I overlooked the blog. I am going to start posting homework once a week, on the first day of school that week. I hope that this will help me remember to post, and help you to know what your student should be doing.

Here are a few announcements that we have this week.

-We are collecting phone books for recycling. Please send any that you have to school with your student

-SEP Conferences are next week. Please look for the email that was sent home last Friday to sign up for a time to come in. I do not know the schedules of other teachers and their conferences. If you would like to coordinate conferences with other students please contact the other teachers. Your student does not need to attend this conference.

-Class Dojo codes were sent home. Please look for this slip of paper and register online to get reports on your child's progress in class.

--Baggie Book Reading and Journal Response
----This should be done nightly!! Please have your child read for 20 minutes. If your child is reading a chapter book they only need to read for 20 minutes, but they need to write about what they read EVERY NIGHT!

--There is no spelling this week.

--Math homework will be sent home on Tuesday (tonight). It is page 88. Please have your child return this to class on Wednesday.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please contact me! I would love to talk with you about your child!

Mrs. P

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Week of February 4-8

Students and Parents,

I have made a few additions to the blog. There is now a page with links to some educational games that your students can play. IXL is a math program that required a login. I was told that logins were sent home with students earlier in the year. If you do not have this log in please let me know and I will send it home again.

I have added a "Follow by Email" box in the sidebar on the right. If you enter your email address you will automatically be emailed when the blog is updated.

I have been having a hard time entering parent emails for Class Dojo. (This is our class management system. The students earn points throughout the day for good and bad behavior. They have come up with the rewards and consequences for different amounts of positive and negative points.) I will be sending a login paper home with students tomorrow that will allow you to log into your student's Dojo profile and enter your own email address to get updates on your child. It is easier for parents to enter their own emails from this login page than it is for me to enter them, so I really appreciate your help in this matter!

I am looking forward to a good week! We have some fun things planned. I can't wait to see your children tomorrow and to get learning!

Mrs. P